If there is an area you want to improve in, or you simply need help staying on the right track, we’ve got a passionate tutor waiting to help you excel. Our teachers are masters in the fields of English, Math, History, Science, Foreign Language, the Arts and so much more! Please contact us if you have specific questions about subject tutoring! More..
We understand that taking tests is a major component in academic achievement, and we want you to be prepared every time. We combine test taking strategies with best practices, and work out an individualized plans for our students. Let’s eliminate test anxiety by mastering the techniques of test taking through consistency and confidence building! More..
Preparing for College begins the minute you enter High School - there’s no such thing as ‘starting too early’ when we’re talking college prep. From ACT/SAT/SSAT Prep to Choosing and Applying to the right College(s), Understanding Student Debt, Essay Writing, Scholarships and so much more - Our Mentors and Coaches gotcha covered from start to finish! More..
When we said, “We take a holistic approach to education,” we meant it. Functional, adaptive, and social skills are key elements in forming a well-rounded individual. Emotional Intelligence is recognized as a critical factor in self awareness. We want you to be able to apply life skills and learning to promote a healthy perspectives and habits in everyday life. More..